Bear Bag (and avatar)
Bear Bag and Avatar
- 14 Textures made in Substance Painter
- Rigged for dynamic bones (see video above)
- 28,234 Polygons, in quads.
- Unity package that includes how I set up the materials (I optimized as best as I could!)
- 3 Versions!
✯Bear Backpack Rigged to Pandas Flatfoot Base
✯ Bear without straps (plushie Rigged for Physbones)
✯Bear unity package, rigged for humanoid! (you can upload as an avatar!)
Instructions for Bear Avatar upload:
Import VRCSDK, import Poiyomi Toon Shaders (I used 7.2.41), import Bear unity package, then click on Bear folder, click on the Bear scene and upload through VRCSDK.
✯ Commercial use is allowed.
✯ NOT allowed on free or nitro models.
✯ Under no circumstance may you distribute this asset freely. (This asset can ONLY be used on finished models.)
✯ You MUST credit Meowuw#0001 or a link to my gumroad.
✯ You are not allowed to take this asset from other creators finished products, you must purchase it from my gumroad.